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Non-residential property out-performs resi in new investor analysis

Non-residential transactions have performed better than residential in the past year, research suggests. Software service APRAO analysed the latest data on quarterly...

29 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Developer appetites for land only plots down year on year

New research by property software firm APRAO shows that developer demand for land-only plots has declined by 11% on an annual...

21 May 2024

From: Breaking News

New Builds Higher Prices drive housing market revival - claim

A property software business says its research shows that the housing market revival is driven by the premiums levied on new...

11 April 2024

From: Breaking News

How to Optimize Your Property Investment Returns

Maximising Returns: Use tech to make better decisions before acquiring your next property  As property investors, staying ahead in today's competitive market...

15 March 2024

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